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What is WiseWallet?

WiseWallet is your smart companion and personal finance management app, designed to help you monitor your spending, track tendencies, set savings goals & stay on top of your budget like never before.

How is WiseWallet different from other similar applications?

WiseWallet brings unique convenient user experience to the market of similar PFM applications. We make the process of transactions adding as simple as possible, as this is the most usable and repeatable action in your financial tracking. We provide meaningful insights regarding your spending behavior: identifying whether you spend less than you earn on monthly basis, visualising your spendings based on expense categories, showing your total net worth, and it’s trend with a time.

Key Features

App Functionality

Below you can find a detailed overview of application’s functionality.

🔑 Authentication

Authentication is quite simple & convenient (allowing you to sign up in few clicks using Google/Apple Account) and secure at the same time: your account & therefore financial data is protected by passcode & biometrics (optionally)